

After a recent round of driving test related failures I have realised I take my transport freedom for granted. I have always had my own transport since I was 18 and I have only recently, of my own choice, been without a car. How different would the last decade have been if I was without personal transport? Would I have still experienced some of the things I enjoyed doing? Would I have kept in touch with some of my old friends if I didn't have the ability to visit when I chose? If those in power have their way then the children of today will discover this over the next few years.

If I had not taken the plunge and invested the tens of thousands of pounds that I have spent on cars, bikes and their upkeep would I have spent that money wisely? Would I be nursing the same debt I am now? Maybe I would have been a little more frugal in other areas had I not needed to splash the cash so genorously on motors?

The UK has reached a point where not having your own transport stifles your choices in life and this will continue until we are forced to travel outside our own boxes.

I have begun thinking about whether I would be happy to commute outside my local town for work as I did several years ago. I decided at that time that I would like the 2 hours of my life I spent on the M3 everyday back and that what I did in that time would be my choice.

As I have transport it opens up possibilty of staying connected with Andover even if I moved out to a more "rental cost" friendly location. Some research is needed but I need to make some decisions before another year drifts by without a change.

Good luck to all Theory Testers and Driving test candidates who are trying to get onto 2 or 4 wheels.


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